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HR compliance

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9 Ways of Unlocking the Power of Employee Engagement: Driving Success and Productivity in the Workplace

Employee engagement refers to the extent to which employees are invested in and committed to their work, the organisation, and its goals. It is a measure of the emotional and psychological connection employees have with their work, their colleagues, and …

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Embracing LGBTQ+ Inclusion in the Workplace: Fostering an Inclusive and Vibrant Work Environment

Pride Month is a time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and reflect on the progress made towards inclusivity and acceptance. While society has come a long way, there is still work to be done, particularly in the realm of workplace …

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Diversity and inclusion in the workplace

D&I, or diversity and inclusion, is gaining popularity in the business world. Companies are putting more and more spotlight on diversity through the adoption of D&I policies at all levels of the workforce. Making the company inclusive and diverse, though, …

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5 Tactical Tips to Effectively Manage Toxic People at Workplace

A workplace is greatly hampered when it is loaded with people who constantly nitpick, nag, and trouble others with their actions. They can be either found rattling around the workplace with their conniving little cheap talks or finding out reasons …

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Behavioral Interview VS. Traditional Interviews: Which is best for your organization

The quality and standard of your organization's productivity and revenue starts at the earliest of the refinement process of employee selection. Interviews play a major role in the entire employee onboarding process, i.e., from day 1 when the employee is …

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How to Build a Competitive Work Culture to Foster Workplace Productivity

While in most workplaces, company culture is usually a secondary factor or is not given much importance when compared to deadlines, these workplaces lose much on a broader level in terms of fostering a work culture for enhanced productivity, workplace …

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Human Resources for Startups: Know the HR trends for small businesses

Needless to say, every organization needs rigorous management for every aspect to manage an organization, be it a small business or large, there is always a need to manage employee cost, look for inbound costs, risk assessments, etc. The Human …

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Virtual Onboarding: Proactive Approaches to its Rightful Conduct

An onboarding process, as determined by many professionals, stimulates the recruiting professionals to hire and settle new hires after they have been officially recruited. The process of onboarding stands crucial to the recruiting team as the new hires upskill their …

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Succession Planning: Your Usher to Talent Management

Every workplace has a difficult task to manage talent and know the importance of career and succession planning, which is quite often ignored or not taken seriously. In most cases, the organizations that do not implement the concept of succession …

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How to Manage Your Remote Team Amidst the Pandemic

Being a manager and effectively handling your employees working from home can be a difficult task. But there are a few steps following which the employers can easily manage their remotely working employees. In this blog, you will learn the …

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Coronavirus at Workplace: Are Employers in the U.S. Prepared for the Outbreak?

Amidst the Coronavirus spread, which also goes by the name COVID-19 (2019 Coronavirus Disease), employers in the U.S. are taking precautionary measures to make sure their employees stay aloof of the spread. The deadly disease has taken many lives, crossing …

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An HR's Guide to Employee Onboarding

Conducting a successful employee onboarding is a mundane task. Agreed. But, what about the later duties that come along with the onboarding process? Is it not more debilitating? From hiring the right candidate to getting her settled, it is generally, …

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California Regulatory Compliance 2020: Know the Latest Legal Compliance Changes in California

Getting attuned to the latest California regulatory compliance recent changes in the employment sector of California is noteworthy and exciting. Why? Because, California is seen as one of the few states in the US that provides the best facilities to …

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Utilizing Emotional Intelligence at Workplace

Emotional intelligence — the term does not seem to hold much importance when you have to make strong work decisions. To whatsoever peculiar situation that we may fall into at our workplace, the unconsciously biased decision that we make generally …

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How to Address Gender Inequality at Workplace

Workplace gender discrimination has become an epidemic that cannot go unnoticed. Workplace paradigms can be seen shifting with an evolving effervescence organization culture, and yet, somehow, critical issues like gender discrimination, harassment, discrimination on the grounds of color, etc., still manage to …

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Form I-9: A Compliance Overview for Every U.S. Worker

Form I-9 was introduced as a part of mandatory compliance for the employers working in the U.S. The form eases out the verification process for the employers and gives them the rightful picture and the background of the employees, if they …

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Transitioning to an Ennobled Leader: Battling Challenges while Moving Up the Employee Ladder

It is every employee's dream to move up the ladder from a peer to a boss and get the entitlement of 'a boss' than just being called 'an employee' and also to handle major upgraded tasks that are considered to …

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How Legal is Marijuana Consumption at Work?

Along with the recent development in the policies affecting Marijuana and its legal use in the U.S., several organizations have started forming their own rules towards their employees and their use of marijuana. California, which is the home to the …

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The Embodiment of LGBTQ Equality at the Workplace

In almost all workplaces, there have been countless rigorous issues that concern the safety norms towards the employees who identify themselves from the non-straight community. The LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) community are the ones who reportedly feel being …

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Eliminating Gossips and Rumors: A Mandatory Compliance for Every Employee

Every organization has its setbacks and demerits. But rumors and gossips are way too degraded to be called a setback for any organization. Can you imagine a workplace with a persistent rumor and upheaval that doesn't even make any sense? There …

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